10 Common Venmo Scams and How to Protect Yourself (2023 Update)

If you’re a Venmo user, you’re likely enjoying the convenience of seamless payments and transactions. However, with the rise in popularity of Venmo, the risk of encountering scams has also increased. This article delves into some common Venmo scams, equipping you with the knowledge to stay vigilant and protect your hard-earned money.

Venmo Scams and How to Protect Yourself
10 Common Venmo Scams and How to Protect Yourself

Understanding Common Venmo Scams

  1. The Investment Scheme Scam: Criminals may promise a substantial return if you send them a smaller sum of money. Beware of “money circles,” “cash wheels,” or pyramid schemes that sound too good to be true.
  2. Refund Request Scam: Scammers may send you money with a stolen credit card or bank account, then request you to send it back. However, the original victim’s bank will reverse the charge, leaving you out of pocket.
  3. Phishing Texts Scam: Fraudsters send fake texts appearing to be from Venmo, asking you to click on links to claim rewards or take surveys. These links lead to fake login pages, capturing your credentials.
  4. Online Sale Scam: When selling items, scammers might promise payment, show fake emails, or screenshots of transfers to convince you to ship the item. They disappear once you send the item.
  5. Fake Customer Support Scam: Fraudsters set up fake customer support numbers online, hoping you’ll call and reveal your login credentials. Always use Venmo’s official support channels.
  6. Romance Scam: Criminals create fake dating profiles, establish a relationship, and ask for money under the guise of emergencies. Never send money to online acquaintances.
  7. Job Offer Scam: Fraudulent job offers request upfront payments via Venmo for onboarding or financial transactions. Legitimate companies don’t ask for payment.
  8. Multi-Factor Authentication Scam: Scammers call, pretending to be Venmo reps, and ask for verification codes sent to your phone. Never share these codes, as real representatives won’t ask.
  9. Rental Deposit Scam: Bogus landlords ask for rental deposits through Venmo before showing the property or providing legitimate paperwork. Always view properties in person.
  10. No Refund Guarantee: Unfortunately, Venmo doesn’t guarantee refunds for scams. Prevention is key.

Understanding the Growing Threat

As the Venmo network grows, scammers are becoming increasingly adept at developing creative methods to deceive users and extract money. The rise of phishing emails, fraudulent text messages, and fake Venmo notifications has highlighted the urgency of educating users about potential scams.

Protect Yourself from Venmo Scams

  1. Stay Informed: Equip yourself with the knowledge to fend off scams. Educate yourself about prevalent scams, including those highlighted above. Understanding the tactics scammers employ empowers you to recognize and resist their ploys effectively.
  2. Verify Transactions Directly in the App: Safeguard against malicious links by confirming transactions solely within your Venmo app. Sidestep the risk of falling victim to fraudulent links that scammers use to compromise your data.
  3. Use Official Channels: Prioritize Venmo’s authorized app and website for all transactions and communications. Refrain from engaging with suspicious links that could lead to phishing attempts or unauthorized access.
  4. Secure Your Account: Bolster your account’s security by activating multi-factor authentication. This extra layer of protection enhances the shield around your account, making it significantly more challenging for scammers to breach.
  5. Research Contacts: When presented with a contact claiming affiliation with Venmo, take the time to independently verify their credentials through trusted channels. Ensuring the legitimacy of such contacts shields you from potential impersonation attempts.
  6. Report Suspicious Activity: If you come across any suspicious activity that raises concerns about a potential scam, don’t hesitate to report it. Notify both Venmo and relevant authorities promptly to prevent further scams and protect other users.
  7. Exercise Caution with Text Messages and Emails: Exercise a vigilant approach toward unsolicited messages or emails suggesting money transfers. Abstain from clicking on links contained within such messages, especially from unknown sources.
  8. Beware of Selling Scams: When participating in selling transactions, exercise a high level of caution. Be wary of scammers who promise payment for your items, only to retract the funds once they’ve received the product. Scrutinize offers that appear too enticing to ensure your protection.
  9. Protect Against Friend Impersonation: Counter friend impersonation by adopting a cautious approach. Verify any requests for funds through direct communication outside the app, validating the identity of the person making the request.
  10. Engage Venmo’s Customer Support: Leverage Venmo’s customer support as a valuable resource if you suspect fraudulent activity. Their expertise and knowledge are instrumental in addressing potential scams and guiding you through the resolution process.
  11. Cautiously Handle Notifications: Approach notifications about received funds with a healthy dose of skepticism. Instead of reacting impulsively, independently verify the authenticity of the transaction within the secure confines of your Venmo app.
  12. Being Skeptical of Too-Good-To-Be-True Offers: Develop a discerning eye for offers that promise substantial gains for a nominal upfront payment. Prioritize thorough research and skepticism before engaging with offers that seem exceptionally attractive.

Venmo’s Efforts and Your Responsibility

While Venmo is proactive in addressing scams through customer support and education, your vigilance remains essential. Stay informed, educate yourself about common tactics, and verify transactions before taking action. By adopting these practices, you can navigate the Venmo landscape with confidence and safeguard your financial interests.


Venmo’s convenience is undeniable, but it’s crucial to be aware of potential scams that could compromise your financial security. By understanding the tactics scammers employ and taking proactive steps to protect yourself, you can continue to use Venmo confidently and safely.

Protecting yourself from Venmo scams requires a combination of awareness, caution, and proactive steps. As the digital realm evolves, staying informed about potential threats and implementing preventive measures is crucial. By adopting a vigilant mindset and remaining cautious in your interactions, you can use Venmo with peace of mind, knowing that your financial well-being is safeguarded.

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